Saturday, September 8, 2007

When will we get her?

When we met with our social worker on Thursday, she told us we will likely travel in November. Currently, we are awaiting Travel Approval "TA". Once the China Center of Adoption Affairs receives our letter of acceptance, they will start to process of providing us with the TA. This could take 4-6 weeks. Once this is recevied, we will apply for our visas, which allows us to enter the country for the purpose of adoption.

The next step is to await our Consulate Appointment "CA". This is really the largest determinant of when we will travel. Once we receive this date, we will be able to purchase our plane tickets and know exactly when we will be traveling.

Once we do travel, we will fly to Beijing (northern China) where we will see the sights for a couple of days (Great Wall of China), and then fly to her Province of Jiangxi (southern China). We will likely have her in our arms within a few days of arriving in China-and then she is with us for the rest of the trip.

I will post updates with details as we get them, AND we will be posting updates and pictures from China. Thanks for joining us on this journey.

1 comment:

Mya said...

Hi Debbie,
You can e-mail me at if youd like. Yes, we sent a care package to the orphanage. I sent it myself and it got there just fine. I beleive I got the address on line somewhere. I can look for it, if you need it! I sent two disposable cameras, a blanket, photo book, socks for babies and candy for the nannies. I sent it a week before I found out we were leaving! Karlee's nanny gave me a bag on gotch day with the cameras, blanket and phot album. I was shocked as I just sent it.
There were four babies from Ning Du CWI that were in our group and all the babies appeared to be well cared for. No diaper rashes or boils and all smelled very clean and had new outfits on. Our Karlee screamed on gotcha day and was fine a few hours later. She has bonded and attached to my husband and I both beautifully and we could not be more blessed. I would love to answer any questions you may have. Ning Du is not a popular SWI so I was excited when I saw the NIng name on your referral!