Monday, November 12, 2007


We're enjoying our last few days in China before we leave on Saturday. This will probably be our last post, but we'll try to add new pictures whenever we can.


Jen said...

Your new daughter is beautiful and you can just see the love your family is radiating!

Enjoy your stay in china but come home safe.

The Berchem Family

Jen said...

Your new daughter is beautiful and your family just radiates the love you have for her!

Enjoy your time in China but come home soon.

The Berchem Family

The Schlosbergs said...

It has been so wonderful to see these first pictures of the newest little Rosica. Mia is just lovely - her smile is absolutely amazing. We love the picture of her with the other little ones - she looks like she is taking charge :) We know that you are both just beaming. Thank you for this blog - it has meant the world to be able to track you on your journey. We are thinking of you as you travel home and can't wait to give you all big welcome home hugs! We'll call when you've had a chance to recover from the trip. Take care. Much love to you all!

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