We arrived in Beijing on Saturday at about 2:00 PM. The thirteen hour flight wasn't nearly as bad as we thought it would be. We actually slept most of the time. The trip home definitely won't be as easy with an eleven month old baby screaming at the top of her lungs! We should be able to add some photos of Beijing tomorrow and then pictures of Mia on Wednesday or Thursday.
Here is an update on Mia that we received today:
"She can walk with support. She is active and busy. She likes to listen to music and imitate others. She is alert. She gets along with other children. She has a ready smile and is outgoing. She is sometimes fast tempered. She is close to her caretakers and likes to play with toys with sound. She sleeps soundly."
You are staying at the same hotel we stayed at. Have you found the seal swimming in the hotel lobby? It's near the Chinese restaurant off to the right. Very odd!
Hello World Travelers! Glad to hear that the flight was a chance to rest up - we watched the clock ALL DAY and woke up on Saturday trying to remember what time it would be for you there. Pei even told a salesperson named Mike that Mr. Mike was on a plane to China to get Na-Na Ning - can you tell how much we've been talking about you?!? The blog is wonderful - you guys look so happy...can't imagine how much you'll be glowing in just a few days!! Enjoy, enjoy! We will be talking with you soon. Take care of yourselves. Much love ~ Jenn, Dave, and Pei
The update about Mia sounds wonderful! Sounds like she's a very happy and fun little girl! The blog is such a fantastic way of keeping everyone updated. I look on the blog several times a day to check for updates. Looking forward to seeing more photos and hearing about your precious little Mia!
Lisa & Chuck
Praise God for your safe arrival in China. We are looking forward to more updates. You must be so excited.....to hold dear little Mia. I will look out for Ryan at school. Love, Michelle, Dil, DJ and Jonathan
Hi Deb & Mike (& Mike & Ellen)! So glad to hear your flight over went well and that you received such a great report on how Mia is doing! I'll be praying for your safety and for continued patience over these remaining few days as your wait to meet your daughter! Love, Danielle
Hi Guys,
Glad to hear you had safe trip. Can't wait to meet our new niece and cousin. Enjoy every precious moment of your stay in China with your new daughter.
Love, Aunt Debbie, Uncle Joe, Krista and Joey
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